Saturday, July 11, 2015

Database About Recipes Used

I find it very useful to maintain a database about the recipes I've used. It helps me to quickly identify recipes for a specific purpose and to keep track of which dishes I've served to guests at our house. I can sort the list of recipes in many ways. 

An example of how I use the database would be to create a menu for a Tuscan dinner for guests. I can quickly identify Tuscan dishes for each course and determine if I have served those dishes to the guests who are coming. 

The database has the following fields in the order listed below:
- English name of the dish - I normally write the name so the main ingredient is first; e.g., "salmon, grilled" instead of "grilled salmon." With that approach, like dishes are together when sorted.
- Foreign name of the dish, if it's a foreign dish
- Type of dish - appetizer, entree, side, soup, dessert
- Taste rating, abbreviated - Ex(excellent), VG (very good), OK, bad. I usually only remake excellent dishes
- Difficulty - very easy, easy, moderate, difficult
- Country (of Origin)
- Comment - For example, Lots of cutting; requires pan scrubbing. Most of the time there is no comment.
- Source (of recipe) -  For example, Beautiful Tuscany, Silver Spoon
- Served to - names of people to whom I've served. If it's just my wife and me, I enter "us"

An example of a typical entry is:
Pan-Fried Sausage & Mushrooms, Tegamata di Salsiccia, Entree Ex, Easy, Italy , Beautiful Tuscany, Us

I normally keep the database sorted first by the type of dish, then by the English name of the dish. 

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